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Activities to Entertain Dogs Inside All Winter Long

January 17, 2023

By pawTree Home Office


Our pups are our favorite playmates. There’s nothing sweeter than taking a summer walk in the park, watching your fur baby romp toward you on a spring day, or seeing your pup jump into a pile of autumn leaves. Nothing can diminish the joy of playing with your dog — not even cold weather … right?

When winter arrives, so do our questions. Can dogs even get cold? If so, how cold is too cold? And, how do I keep my pup entertained if we can’t take walks?

Don’t worry — All the answers are below.

Can Dogs Get Cold?

Yes, dogs can get cold. They’re affected by the weather, just like humans are. If they get too cold, your fur baby can even encounter health issues.

How Cold Is Too Cold For Dogs?

Each dog responds to weather differently, depending on their weight, breed and age. A general rule: If you’re uncomfortable in a light sweater, your pup is too!

Here are a few rules of thumb to follow throughout the winter season.

  • At 45°F, your dog begins to feel uncomfortable.
  • At 32° F, your dog is definitely cold. Older dogs, sick pups and small dogs should not be outside for very long.
  • At 20° F or less, dogs of all breeds and weight are susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite.

During weather like this, opt out of the walks in the park. Instead, try indoor dog games!

These indoor activities for dogs will keep you and your pup entertained and warm. Not to mention, you’ll spend the whole season bonding with your beloved fur baby.

Dig For Treasure

If your fur baby is a dog, you know how much they love to dig. Digging is instinctual for pups! Save your pup’s paws from digging in frozen ground with an indoor treasure hunt.

This fun dog game requires little effort from you and provides a lot of reward for your favorite companion.

  • First, find a bunch of materials that your pup can sift through. This could be newspapers, blankets, plastic cups or cardboard.
  • Make a few piles around the house and hide a delicious treat inside each pile.
  • Lead your fur baby to the first pile and help them find the treat. Celebrate with them when they get their treasure!
  • Then, go to each pile until all the treats are found.

P.S. Some dogs will need a little more help finding their treasure than others … Lead the way if they need it!

The Shell Game

We’ve all played the shell game before — where you scramble overturned cups and try to keep your eye on the prize. This version is made for your pup! It’s the perfect low-energy activity to entertain your dog inside. What’s more, you’ll get some scent training in.

  • Take three overturned cups and place a treat under one of them.
  • Mix up the cups and let your dog guess which has the treat.
  • If they’re right, reward and praise them.

If you prefer, you can hide a toy instead of a treat. Keep in mind that this makes for a more challenging dog game.

Puppy Bake-Off

Other dogs are the best playmates. And, since you can’t go to the local dog park, why not invite a fellow pet parent over for a puppy bake-off?

It’s simple. Let the pups play while you and the other hooman bake one of pawTree’s delicious gourmet mixes for dogs. (We recommend making something for the hoomans too!)

Good company and a special treat? This activity is a furry fantasy for your pup.

Hide And Seek

This classic children’s game is shockingly effective as a dog game. Repeat it as much or as little as you like — your fur baby will love it!

  • Tell your fur baby to sit and stay. If your fur baby hasn’t learned to stay yet, use this winter to teach them.
  • Back away slowly. Once you’re out of your pup’s sight, tell them to come.
  • Likely, they’ll come bounding toward you. When they find you, get excited! You can reward them with a special treat, if you like.

This dog game is a two-for-one: it’s both training and play. Your dogs get a boost of self-confidence from refining a skill, and they get to do something fun with their parent. Win-win!

Use Treat Toys

Treat toys are minimum effort for you and maximum happiness for your pup. If you don’t know, treat toys, or treasters as we call them at pawTree, are toys that dispense treats.

Simply hide peanut butter or your pup’s favorite treat inside a treatster and let them go to town!

If you’re looking for durable ones that will last you all winter, try this sticky bone. It’s ultra tough for stronger dogs. A smaller canine companion might prefer this pawTree treatster.

The most important thing? Have fun with your fur baby! As pet owners, it’s so gratifying when our dogs wag their tail as you pull out their favorite toy. Indoor dog games are the perfect way to enjoy quality time with your fur baby this winter — all while protecting them from a chill.

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